Copyrights are not just about protecting music, movies and software.  The Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") provides a set of tools whereby content owners can punish individuals who merely circumvent any technological means that protect content (sometimes even content that the suing party doesn't even own).   There are a lot of reasons why this is (in my opinion) an unwise policy.  I have a paper coming out this Spring in the Marquette Law Review that goes over all of this in detail.  However, knowing that there were inevitable problems with such a regime, Congress allowed the Library of Congress and the Copyright Office to issue exemptions to this "anticircumvention" prohibition every three years.  That review process is just about to start.  If you are an affected party, I recommend you contact the Copyright Office in order to have your case heard.  If you would like help in this process, please feel free to reach out to me.

Read more on Wired here.
